The Grauniad is so far left, it has fallen off the ecliptic plane. How can one believe that 99.9% of scientists agree?
Have you ever heard the old saw about having a dozen scientists (PhDs) in a room and having 13 different opinions?
I suppose most people don’t interact with scientists on a daily basis. (I’m talking about PhDs in physics, chemistry, and engineering.) I have. They have really strong opinions and rarely agree. Some also have a very strong emotional need to show everyone how smart they are, especially in a room full of other scientists.
I can’t count how many day-long meetings I have been in, trying to resolve a techincal issue, where the PhDs discuss and argue endlessly. The particular technical issue I have in mind went on for 4 years like that!
If the Grauniad was honest, the headline would be, “Case closed: 99.9% of government funded scientists agree with their paymasters climate emergency caused by humans”
The 99.9% is just proof of how climate science has been weaponized against the deplorables.